Past Issues

Transportation Special- May-01, 2020


StradVision: Camera Perception Supporting Self-Driving Vehicles

Hongmo Je, CTO

Vendor Viewpoint

StradVision: Tiny AI software for the mass market ADAS

StradVision: Tiny AI software for the mass...

Junhwan Kim, CEO

Know Your Roads: Cities Opt for AI to Relieve Congestion

Know Your Roads: Cities Opt for AI to...

Charlotte Pearlstone, Communications MGR

Strain sensors, the fast and safe method for force or displacement measurements in the process

Strain sensors, the fast and safe method...

Matthias Tanner, Founder and Managing Director

Picavi Pick-by-Vision Improves Productivity and Protects Employees During COVID-19 by Thomas R. Cutler

Picavi Pick-by-Vision Improves...

Carsten Funke, CEO
