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Field Management Services (Fsm)

4 Enterprise Data Management Solutions that CIOs Can Rely on

Enterprise Technology Review | Monday, October 28, 2019

CIOs are looking for innovative solutions to bring transformation in the existing data management ecosystem.  

FREMONT, CA: The increase in pressure to cope up with growing enterprise data triggers the need to implement standard enterprise data management systems. In recent years, CIOs continuously search for optimized solutions to handle their enterprises’ data more effectively, as the advanced data management solutions can bring value and productivity to the enterprises. From building highly secured data blocks to performing business operations in cloud-based platforms, business professionals are all set to enter the new age of enterprise data management solutions.    

1. Hybrid Solutions With Cloud

The interoperable features of the cloud, integrated with on-premise platforms, offer hybrid solutions to the enterprise data management challenges. The hybrid solutions allow CIOs to bring seamless communication channels, extensive data accessibility, and highly collaborative work systems across their enterprise data management systems. Deployment of hybrid platforms for the core operations can speed up the processes of data orientations and enterprises’ productivity. For long-term business development, hybrid solutions can also offer easy adoption of future technologies without any complexity, which efficiently supports CIOs by saving massive investment towards redeveloping data management systems.

2. Artificial Intelligence 

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the existing enterprise data management systems can boost the data usage for various operations. AI’s abilities to highlight and identify right data utilization for the right customer or clients at the right time can save a tremendous amount of enterprises’ time for particular projects or processes. CIOs invest massive amounts in applications and workforces to manage unstructured and structured data. Integrating AI applications can eliminate the need for extra workforces for data sorting processes, improving accuracy. AI-enabled data management systems can drive instant data search capabilities for data correlation and advanced analysis.

3. Smart Data Analytics

Extraction of valuable insights from continuous enterprise data generation motivates business professionals to develop data-driven business strategies, offerings for consumers, and solutions for market challenges. Data analytics helps enterprises prioritize the existing data source, rationalize logical and physical data architecture, and improvise the effectiveness of data quality. Powered by data analytics, enterprises data management teams can establish regular accountability through data governance activities and detect ownership for each data source and application. Harnessing data analytics solutions across the enterprise data management provides various advantages such as master data management, business intelligence, complete data insights, and more.    

4. Data Storage With Blockchain’s High Security

Using blockchain technology for enterprise data management systems provides brilliant data storage and security solutions while maintaining complete transparency across the enterprise. The advanced technology helps the data managers keep track of data ownership and manage data on the data blockchain. The distributive nature of blockchain allows the database partition along logical lines, which offers more privacy and security with divided possession of the enterprise data. The blockchain technology can affectively initiate token systems across the data management platforms and encourage the crypto-economic networks of the business participants.   
Effective enterprise data management solutions include expertise in building the effective data architecture, improving data quality, enabling data interoperability, providing data storage, executing advanced data operations, and securing enterprise data. The digital age CIOs well-understand the impact of advanced data management systems for their organizations, which leads them to adopt the latest technologies. Trends like cloud-based data operations, in-depth data analysis, artificial intelligence integrations, and blockchain protection tend to increase enterprise revenue, reduce data management costs, increase data value, standardize data systems, and improvise procedures and policies.
