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Field Management Services (Fsm)

7 Promises 5G Makes to Data Centers

Enterprise Technology Review | Friday, October 04, 2019

5G is on its way, aiming to bring faster and denser data streams, a shift that is likely to drive demand for more data center capacity. What will the flood of data look like with 5G? Know more here.    

FREMONT, CA: Everything is changing- the business climate, business models, target markets, information technology, and the list goes on. So, it is natural that data centers also evolve along with business needs. Data centers of the future will become more than just a hub to host data, with 5G expecting to take center stage in the data center landscape soon. The hype around 5G is accelerating with endless announcements and predictions from carriers, communication service providers, device manufacturers, and standard bodies. 5G’s tremendous potential in delivering significant advances in data transfer speed, latency, connectivity, capacity, reliability, and mobility is undoubted. As the future of 5G with data centers gets closer to becoming a reality, the world is going to witness the next technological revolution. Look at what it promises to data centers.

• Easy Accessibility of Content

The rapid development of 5G enables the 'internet of everything' era. People will be spending a significant amount of time on their smart devices, and a rise in the speed of the networks with 5G means they will be able to access the content in reduced time. Users will not need to wait for web pages to get loaded. With the arrival of 5G, even the time-sensitive content will be easily accessible. To enable such speedy content delivery, data centers will make more content available on the network and manage them.

• Lower Latency

Latency rate—the time between clicking on a link on any website or app and loading of the content—will be reduced with the introduction of 5G technology in data centers. 5G technology with 100 times higher speed than the 4G network, will ensure that this waiting time decreases. Given that, 5Gnetwork will facilitate reducing response time, making it easier for the app developers and website owners to nurture their customers, deliver them excellent user experience, and generate higher productivity.

• Increased Data Efficiency and Storage

It is expected that 5G will enhance data efficiency. 5G will serve the users with nearly 100 times higher transmission rate than 4G networks, making it necessary for the data centers to introduce operations that could manage resource-intensive data without compromising on energy consumption and cost factor. As 5G technology will bring forth the need for X times more content in the market, the demand for higher storage will also come in the forefront. To tackle this, data centers will turn more towards the cloud and other technologies to store and manage vast data.

• Enhanced Reliability

Introducing 5G technology in data centers will put an end to the concerns with downtime and its negative impacts. 5G will encourage the introduction of edge computing, which will allow processing data closer to where it is created, which means the associated businesses can access data anytime. Also, consumers will get instant access to the data without waiting for a long time. 5G will also support mixed reality technology applications by providing increased bandwidth of about 10 gigabytes per second, which will speed up the data transmission process in real-time and bring several new content formats into existence.

• Modified Infrastructure

The 5G technology will come up with similar effects on data centers as the advanced technologies bring to businesses. 5G will boost user experience, making it essential for the data centers to modify their processes and infrastructure to work with the highly-innovative content and technologies. A market prediction reveals that 5G technology will make data centers and networking companies invest billions in information technology infrastructure, about 56 percent of their total expenses, which will ultimately contribute to improved performance of data centers. 

• Growth of Local Data Centers

5G technology, combined with edge computing, will encourage collecting and processing of data at local data centers rather than transferring the whole to the center of the cloud. This practice will add pace to the entire process and reduce the spending on the transmitting wires and methods. It will also require a higher number of local data centers. Besides, 5G technology will prompt a rise in submarine data centers that enable the transmission of data in the form of voice.

• Robust Data Center Management

Given 5G’s potential in fueling data center operations, 5G implementation will demand data centers to upgrade in data management strategy. Datacenter managers will be in need to pull actionable, on-the-fly insights to justify investments, and advance business objectives. Creating a robust data center management strategy can provide administrators with a holistic view of data centers’ performance. Administrators will also conduct enhanced continuous modeling, which will allow them to observe and quantify the cause and effect of proposed 5G infrastructure changes before funds can be allotted.

As covered so far, 5G technology will bring many positive impacts to data centers. It is sure that 5G will revamp existing data center processes and infrastructure and will emerge as a solution to the challenges and barriers data centers are facing today. In essence, 5G technology will encourage everyone associated with data centers to conduct comprehensive research on its scope, market, and how and when to introduce it to prepare for a profitable future.  
