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How Can Drones Be Dangerous for Enterprise Security?

Enterprise Technology Review | Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Drones are increasingly used for malicious purposes elevating the demand for protecting the enterprises.

FREMONT, CA: It is the affordability, portability, and efficiency of the drones that have brought an interest in people to buy it and use it for various purposes ranging from photography, agriculture to surveillance, and more. Apart from that, when a drone can be used for several benefits, it can also be used for all wrong reasons and purposes. One of the major concerns is that drones can be misused and hacked by other people. Furthermore, they can also be used to cut electronic devices and gather information without one’s knowledge.

Cyber attacks that were considered impossible in the past can now be implemented with the use of drone technology as a method. Drones can be used to hack servers, monitor the networks, dig up data, and block communications. Very often, corporate companies do not have proper security measures to defend themselves from the malicious use of drones from cyber attacks. In today’s world, smart attackers gather data by connecting a small computer like Raspberry Pi to a drone and then exploit the information. A few drones can mimic Wi-Fi networks and steal whatever information they want, including bank details and passwords, from the victim’s network or system.

Using radar is a standard mechanism for detecting aerial vehicles, and likewise, drones can be detected using this system. Drone radars function with a combination of radio signal detection, noise detection, thermal detection, and signal identification. The technique, at times, lacks precision as it misinterprets birds as drones. On the other hand, acoustic sensors are more accurate than these radars. They identify the unique sounds generated by various drones and verify them against a sound signatures database and activates alert when matched. Some unnecessary UAVs can be recognized using thermal imaging as they use imaging cameras that detect objects and materials that generate heat. Further, there are RF scanners that examine the electromagnetic spectrum and spot the transmissions from drones. Nevertheless, this method is not helpful sometimes when the drones rely only on GPS and do not function, using radar.

See also: Top Drone Technology Solution Companies


