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How can Geographic Information Science be Applied in Earth Sciences?

Enterprise Technology Review | Friday, October 30, 2020

Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) plays a key role in scientific research, with a wide array of applications for spatial data and visualizations in earth science.

FREMONT, CA: Geographic Information Science (GIS) offers a robust means of looking at the world and tools for solving complex problems. Innovations continue to rise from GIS, whether transportation companies are optimizing logistics or manufacturers are tracking equipment locations with the Internet of Things sensors. Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) is also instrumental in scientific research, with a wide range of applications for spatial data and visualizations in earth science. The professionals who utilize these methods to gather, analyze, manipulate, and visualize geographic data can display fascinating details about the world and even other planets. When exploring how GIST is employed in different fields, it’s easy to see why geospatial reasoning is vital to understanding earth science and pursuing new inquiry areas.

GIS in Geology

Geologists investigate the planet’s structure, composition, and changes over time. However, it is not always practical for scientists to visit a location for field observation. The application of remote sensing in geology means scientists can use electromagnetic radiation to gather detailed information from all over the world. Interpreting and visualizing the data from remote sensors are among the primary uses of GIS for geologists.

GIS in Meteorology

Mapping and modeling the weather and climate with GIS yields valuable insights for meteorologists as they study the atmosphere’s work processes. Scientists pinpoint the locations of weather events and analyze how systems move over time. Identifying meaningful patterns and trends in GIS weather data leads to more accurate predictions.

GIS in Oceanography

The vastness and complexity of the Earth’s oceans mean that the scientists who specialize in the field might focus on topics ranging from marine ecosystems to plate tectonics. The application of GIS in oceanography moves around assisting researchers by giving them broad perspectives on the underwater world.

GIS in Astronomy

Scientists have incorporated GIS to understand the universe, mapping from space to teach more about their world and explore other planets and objects in the solar system. Employing GIS in astronomy means revealing the mineral composition, topography, tectonic activity of celestial bodies. That’s why NASA has made collecting and analyzing spatial data a crucial part of unmanned observation missions.
