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What are the Environmental Impacts of Solar Energy Technologies?

Enterprise Technology Review | Tuesday, December 17, 2019

To accurately assess the social return on investment of each innovation, proper attention should be given to the environmental impacts. The benefits of society for deploying renewable energy technologies at the utility-scale, along with the associated costs and alternatives should also be considered.

FREMONT, CA: All changes from start to retirement must be taken into account in order to accurately reflect the environmental impact of any innovation. Nowadays, effective Solar Energy Systems are widely accepted, like Photovoltaics, solar thermal, and solar wind. They provide significant environmental benefits compared to conventional sources of energy that contribute to the sustainability of human activities.

Environmental Impacts of Solar Energy Technologies (SETs)

Compared to conventional energy sources, it has more incentives, leading to sustainable development. The use of SETs has essential economic and social implications for the environment.

How Does it Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Solar panels are designed to maximize the production of electricity and minimize the impact on the environment. To acquire complete electricity and lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the solar energy capacity of a specific site is calculated by measuring the size of the solar resource and the possible output of the solar panels used to convert sunlight into electricity. Solar energy is sunlight that enters the atmosphere of the earth and hits the surface directly instead of being reflected, absorbed, and distributed.

SETs Improving Quality of Water Supplies

SETs have the potential to use local energy resources to gain access to otherwise inaccessible water supplies, ensuring that this water is safe for human consumption. Much water is in deep aquifers, surface lakes, rivers, and streams, or the ocean, underwater. Technologies exist to make use of these sources of water, but the lack of available, affordable resources in many cases makes their uses costly, time-consuming, and potentially dangerous. In many areas not previously considered, the proper application of any number of available energy options today can make access to this water a reality.

Check Out: Energy Tech Review

See Also: Top Environmental Technology Companies
